Company health insurance for your business
Helps to find and retain employees
Good talents in the job market are in high demand and fiercely contested. Through transparency and digital platforms, talents are often poached and you have to look for replacements... And of course, you don't want and can't pay exorbitant wages. What now?
Only 16% of employees feel connected to their employer.
Nowadays, 87% of employees expect their employer to help them balance work and life.
Company health insurance
An effective concept to attract talents in the competitive job market and to inspire them for your company in the long term is the company health insurance. In this way, you offer your employees a noticeable added value and support them in staying healthy and high-performing. You and your company benefit from employee satisfaction, loyalty, reduced absenteeism, and improved performance.
Benefits for the employer
Strengthening the employer's image: As an employer who takes the health and well-being of its employees seriously, you strengthen your image in the public eye. This can have a positive impact on the perception of your brand and also impress customers and business partners
Healthier employees, more productive company: Through occupational health insurance, your employees can take better care of their health. Regular check-ups and faster medical care lead to fewer sick days and increase the productivity of your company
Reduced personnel costs: With occupational health insurance, you can minimize the risk of illness-related absences. Healthier employees mean fewer sick days and a more efficient workforce, ultimately reducing personnel costs
Increased employee satisfaction: Occupational health insurance is a benefit that your employees will appreciate. Satisfied employees are more engaged and contribute to a pleasant working atmosphere, which affects the entire team
The advantages of company health insurance for employees
Closing coverage gaps from statutory health insurance: The additional benefits of company health insurance cover gaps in coverage and employees are fully insured
No waiting periods for policyholders: sick employees get help immediately, without having to worry about waiting times
Admission guarantee through simplified health check: company health insurance can be taken out without the employees' health data
Attractive price-performance ratio compared to private health insurance: Often, company health insurance offers a better price-performance ratio compared to independent coverage through private health insurance
Employers usually pay the contributions: Normally, the employer bears the costs of company health insurance, which is a financial advantage for employees
Spouses and children can be insured at a low cost: Family members can be included in the company health insurance at a low cost through an inexpensive additional premium