Private pension provision
These are the problems with the state pension
The statutory pension follows the distribution principle. This means today's employees finance the retirement of today's retirees. Contributions are therefore only redistributed and do not benefit from capital market effects
In addition, the distribution principle depends on current wages or earnings, the state of the labor market, and demographic development - factors that contributors cannot influence
The pension level will likely decrease to 45% by 2037. With an average salary of 3,000€, this means a pension of approximately 1,350€
This leads to a longer period of receiving pensions. At the same time, the birth rate is decreasing, which means an increasing number of retirees need to be financed by fewer contributors
Relying solely on the statutory pension will not work
Having an additional private retirement plan is important to avoid financial worries in old age
Therefore, inform yourself in good time about the options to privately provide for old age. Our experts are happy to support you!
When does a private pension plan pay off?
Private retirement provision is particularly useful if you save for more than 15 years, as the tax savings are very high here. However, if you pay in high contributions, this can also pay off financially earlier!
Unfortunately, providers charge an initial fee of around 4% of your contributions - which is a high cost! Nevertheless, private pension provision is financially worthwhile due to the state subsidy - especially in comparison to ETF savings plans and real estate investments!
Which variants are worthwhile?
You determine in all variants where your money is invested. For example, you can choose between ETF portfolios, real estate funds, or bonds, and adjust your portfolio selection as a contributor at any time.
The basic pension
The basic pension is attractive not only for employees, but also for self-employed individuals. During the savings phase, contributions of up to €26,528 per year can be deducted from taxes. From the age of 62, a lifelong pension is received. However, contributions are subject to taxation during this benefit period.
The private pension insurance
A private pension plan is particularly suitable for employees and self-employed individuals who prefer flexible design options. Contributions are not tax-deductible, but income from a lifelong pension is almost tax-free.
We will gladly calculate whether a private retirement plan financially pays off for you!